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Health Revolution Ltd

Health Revolution develops simple and easy-to-use nutrition coaching concepts for mobile platforms. Our mission is to help people discover the basics of healthy eating patterns in a way suitable for today’s hectic lifestyle.

According to studies, there are two core reasons for being overweight. Number one is irregular eating habits. Number two is what follows from the reason number one: high energy portions both in food and drink. Our apps help you to understand the benefits of regular eating rhythms for holistic wellbeing whilst at the same time guiding you to take a moment to think about the quality of your food choices. Read more about our philosophy »

The core foundation for our company, Health Revolution, derives from this simple truth: to start feeling better about yourself, you need to start eating regularly and make tiny quality changes in your daily choices. The reward is a happy soul and a lighter body. Revolutionarily simple and easy.

80/20 Coach by See How You Eat app – The easiest way to eat smart.

The See How You Eat Coach app is a new and effective way to implement smart eating habits into your daily routines. The coaching process will help you to achieve a healthy balance in a fun and easy way.

Available on the App Store and Google Play.


See How You Eat – Your easiest food diary ever.

See How You Eat is a simple and easy-to-use photo food diary helping you to track your eating habits. The app guides you to eat regularly and photographing meals compels you to make healthier choices.

Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Health Revolution is a Finnish startup run by women passioned about mindful eating and wellbeing.

Mia Karlsson

Mia Karlsson
Founder & CEO


Marika knows about nutrition

Marika Venäläinen
Partner, Authorized Nutritionist
Master of Health Science (Nutrition)


Health Revolution: imagebank

Food Diary See How You Eat app in media:

Business Insider 24.1.2023 The best 6 food journal apps recommended by dietitians to help you track eating patterns and make balanced food choices

Lifewire 3.1.2023 The 8 Best Food Tracker Apps of 2023

SLATE 2.1.2023
How I’m Planning to Eat More Vegetables This Year

Lifewire 22.4.2020 The 9 Best Food Tracker Apps of 2020

Living Safer Magazine 6.8.2018 Best apps for food journaling

PopSugar 29.4.2018 17 Healthy Eating Apps That’ll Keep You on Track Toward Your Goal

Woman&Home 5.2.2018 The best calorie counter and food diary apps

First for Women 4.1.2018 3 of the Best Food Diary Apps 29.12.2017 The 21 Best Apps For Food Journaling

Sunday Express 19.7.2015 Shape up for summer! The 10-day bikini plan

Daily Mirror UK 11.5.2015 Lose weight without dieting…Nordic style!

Net Doctor UK We cut our cholesterol – so can you!

PT Magazine UK 3/2015 What’s different about Nordic Diet Coach?

Candis UK 3.-9.3.2015 Five things to try this week

HuffPost Lifestyle UK, blog 27.2.2015 Can You Shock Yourself Out of A Bad Habit?

Closer Online UK 24.2.2015 Sugar free diet tips: How to beat sugar cravings

Belle about Town UK 7.1.2015 Get To Your Ideal Weight Without Dieting

Good News From Finland 20.11.2014 Nordic well-being thinking takes on the world

Following articles are published in Finnish: 8.11.2017 Oma ravitsemusterapeutti kulkee nyt kännykässä mukana: Nämä 6 suomalaista sovellusta tarjoavat tukea painonhallinnassa, tällaisia ne ovat

Yle Puhe 2.3.2017 Tasapaino löytyy ruokarytmillä

Radio Nova 10.2.2017 Mikä on aamupäivän välipala Mia Karlsson?

blogit/iltalehti/Mari Moilanen 3.2.2017 80/20 Ruokavaliotyökirja, hyvinvointia ilman dieettejä

Radio Aalto 19.1.2017 Elämäntapatrendin 80/20 puolesta puhuva Mia Karlsson

Iltalehti 31.7.2015 Ateriarytmi korjaa kesärepsahduksen

Iltalehti, print 21.2.2015, online 2.3.2015 Mia laihtui 20 kiloa annoksia pienentämällä

Lauttasaari-leht1 30.1.2015 Safkatutka taskuun

Ilta-Sanomat 11.1.2015 Voiko kännykkä auttaa laihtumaan? 11.6.2014 Potkua terveydenhoitoon? Mobiilipelit uusin trendi

Iltalehden verkkojulkaisu 11.5.2014 Mikko laihtui kännykän avulla

Iltalehden liitelehti Oma aika & elämä 3.-4.5.2014  Mikko laihdui kännykän avulla

Kauneus ja terveys -lehti  04/2014 Ravintovalmentaja näpeissä

Kymen Sanomat 8.4.2014 Mobiilisovellus ohjaa syömään oikein 27.11.2013  Viikon akavalainen

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