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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

This isn’t a diet or a strict eating plan. There are very few rules, and it’s certainly not about self-denial. The See How You Eat Coach helps you naturally make small changes to your eating habits that make a big difference in the long-term. And once you’ve downloaded our See How You Eat Coach app it couldn’t be easier to follow.

Eat more, not less

Many of us struggle to lose weight and find sticking to a healthy eating plan difficult – but it needn’t be. The main principle of the SHYE Coach is eating regularly and never missing a meal or snack. This means you may find yourself eating more than before, not less. Yet you’re losing weight because your digestive system is more active, and your brain and stomach are not making you crave unhealthy foods. Unlike diets that involve calorie counting or cutting out certain foods, you can get on with enjoying your life while your weight controls itself naturally.

You can still eat crisps

Our coaching system is based on the Nordic Plate Diet, a simple concept followed for years in Nordic households, which involves consciously balancing the foods on your plate in a healthy way. The scientific background of the app is in the Nordic nutrition research. You don’t have to stop having ‘bad’ foods like chocolate and chips once in a while, but have them in smaller amounts rather than those big binges that make you feel bad afterwards. In the SHYE Coach approach keeping your energy levels up is far more important than worrying about the odd bag of crisps. If you’re eating regularly and in the right way, including protein every time you eat, you’ll have enough energy and your urge to binge on ‘bad’ foods will lessen. Result: you’ll lose weight naturally.

Taking food selfies

Sounds simple? That’s because it is. But first you need to make yourself aware of what you’re eating throughout the day. Studies show that photographing your food just before you eat encourages you to change your eating habits. You become aware of what you put on your plate, the quantities you consume and how many unhealthy treats and drinks sneak their way into your day. Devised with the help of nutritionists our app helps you make better choices. Clicking the ‘tip’ buttons as you assess the nutritional values of each meal and snack helps you understand how you can make it healthier and more balanced. And looking back at your photographic food diary, with our colour-coded symbols rating each meal and our clickable easy nutrition tips, makes you aware of small adjustments you need to make.

No guilt, no self-denial

Already a huge success in Finland where it’s a top 10 app in the Health and Fitness category, 
the See How You Eat Coach is changing the way we eat. There’s no guilt involved because no foods are banned – it’s just a really effective way of making you aware of your eating habits, and helping you plan your meals and food shopping so that you make better choices overall – however busy you are.

So it’s time to think about the bigger picture. Take a picture of every meal and discover the keys to permanent weight management.

Read more about how it works

See How You Eat