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Why is the 80/20 rule a healthy diet plan?

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Ready to join the 80/20 mindset? There are hundreds of different weight loss diet plans to choose from. We choose the 80/20 rule because it is a flexible yet healthy way to plan a diet. Most diets have few things in common: ready meal options and a list of foods that aren’t allowed. The 80/20 lifestyle offers a more mindful perspective on eating. It’s time to forget the diets that are often nutritionally unbalanced and very restrictive.

Very few of us can eat the same food every day for long, even if it would be good for our weight loss goal. Inability to follow the diet leads to a feeling of failure and disappointment and giving up.

The 80/20 diet rule is more than a diet, it’s an approach to healthy eating teaching you balance, moderation and indulging without a guilty feeling.

Is the 80/20 rule for weight loss ? -It’s so much more

The 80/20 rule is more of a lifestyle choice that supports well-being and a healthier perspective on food, life even. The basic idea of the 80/20 rule is very simple. In order to gain health benefits, you don’t always have to make 100% healthy food choices. In 80/20 dieting, 80% is enough. The remaining 20% ​​you can choose your food even more flexibly and enjoy it without feeling bad about yourself.

Which way are your percentages at the moment, do you follow an 80/20 or a 20/80 diet?

The 80/20 diet meal plan and recipes are all about flexibility and by that we are gaining results in weight loss. If you have tried several diet plans, this can be difficult to adapt and accept. The 80/20 diet is all about balance, mindful eating and moderation, a concept that never exists in a crash diet.

80/20 mindset supports instead of judging

Think about this following example. Your workmate has a birthday and she has brought a cake to celebrate that. You’re on a diet but decide to take a piece, even though your diet plan doesn’t include a cake. Afterward, you feel guilty and the day is ruined. You go to a grocery store on your way home and buy some more treats. In the worst case, you give up the whole diet.

Following the 80/20 diet rule, your approach can be different. The piece of a cake is your 20% on that day so you can happily take a picture of it in your food diary. That in mind, 20/80 fasting means that you can decide to enjoy the delicious cake and note that you have to make healthy food choices for the rest of the day.


No diet is doomed because of a piece of a cake but because of a too strict plan.

Read more: Intuitive eating -10 principles

How to follow the 80/20 diet rule easily?

In the latest version of the My Plate Coach app there’s a new 80/20 score that helps you with the 80/20 rule for weight loss and healthy way of eating. Eat slowly and enjoy your meal breaks. App calculates the share of the meals rewarded with a green heart (healthy, balanced meals) from all the meals you have logged. You know immediately whether or not you are going towards your goal.

The 80/20 dieting allows a little bit of indulging so eating healthy feels more doable making it possible to achieve sustainable results.

Join the 80/20 lifestyle with celebrities

The 80/20 diet meal plan has been a popular and successful topic among celebrities also. As Miranda Kerr puts it: “Food is my friend, and consistency is the key. I believe that everything in moderation is best.” We definitely agree.

The 80/20 rule says 80 % is good enough. We obey.

Be kind to yourself,


P.S. Mia wrote her list how to get to eat the 80 %. You can read it here. Oh, and did you already checked in to your free healthy eating course?

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